Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 1 pt:1

If you were given the choice to be weird would you be, would you.I had no choice i was born weird in a weird family and for that people hated me.
    "where'd 'e go" sean said,he was the biggest of the thug's but the he was least of my troubles,I had to get away from two gangs that I had wronged without risking my family's safety I was behind a low wall when i felt my hair get yanked back I saw the mangled face of benny the 2nd in command for the 2nd gang,the bigger gang he dragged me to my feet and shouted "got'im " the rest of the 16 member gang ran over and circled around me then I heard a gruff voice "back off he's mine"

North excitement

Locked down. we were formally told to stay in our 4th hour class now I am waiting for 2:15 instead of 2:08 to leave


l'art du deplacemet

2,4 day weeks then a finals week

In school my mafia leader Mr. sykes informed my class that theres only 2,4 day weeks and a finals week left in school,can't wait for summer vacation,we go to our cabin and are able to do whatever we want use our powers whenever.

longest 3 weeks of school

 I woke up late and ran to school. At least today is sunny,well thats all for now

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Combined family activity super heroes and friends. Hiked at Parnell Tower in the rain. The only problem was we had to slow out pace by about 50%. All of us were secretly wishing it was just our family. A usual O'Neil hike involves running, jumping, swamping, climbing and using our powers to their full extent. This time it was like hiking with a ball and chain. They freaked out when my brother and I went at it with swords. The only good part was the rain. Can't wait for next week; summer vacation is always fun.